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The following are books, journals, articles, and other publications on various assessment topics for reference. Please contact Teri Schnelle if you have any questions regarding the following resources.
Books and Journals
Resources available at the University of Iowa Libraries are marked with an asterisk.
Benjamin, M. (Ed.). (2015). Learning communities from start to finish. New Directions for Student Services. (149). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Bingham, R., et al. (2015). Leading assessment for student success: Ten tenets that change culture and practice in student affairs. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC.*
Bresciani, M., Gardner, M., & Hickmott, J. (2009). Demonstrating student success a practical guide to outcomes-based assessment of learning and development in student affairs. (1st ed.). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC.
Bresciani, M. J. (2006). Outcomes-based academic and co-curricular program review. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Brownell, J. E., & Swaner, L. E. (2012). Five high-impact practices: Research on learning outcomes, completion, and quality. Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU).*
Busby, K. (2015). Co‐Curricular Outcomes Assessment and Accreditation. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2014(164), 39-50.*
Green, A., Jones, E., & Aloi, S. (2008). An Exploration of High-quality Student Affairs Learning Outcomes Assessment Practices. NASPA Journal, 45(1), 133-157.
Henning, Roberts, Bresciani, Roberts, Darby M., & Bresciani, Marilee J. (2016). Student affairs assessment: Theory to practice. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing, LLC.*
Kilgo, C., Ezell Sheets, A., & Pascarella, J. (2015). The link between high-impact practices and student learning: Some longitudinal evidence. Higher Education, 69(4), 509-525.*
Kinzie, J., & Kuh, G. (2017). Reframing Student Success in College: Advancing Know-What and Know-How. The Magazine of Higher Learning, 49(3), 19-27.
Kniess, D. (2016). Coordinating Student Affairs Divisional Assessment: A Practical Guide. Journal of College Student Development, 57(7), 902-904.*
Kuh, G. D. (2008). High-impact educational practices: What they are, who has access to them, and why they matter. Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU).
Kyoung Ro, H., & Harper, C. (Eds.). (2017). Current issues and opportunities in student affairs assessment. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2017(175). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Mitchell, J., Ryder, A., & Schuh, John H. (2013). Developing and Using Dashboard Indicators in Student Affairs Assessment. New Directions for Student Services, 2013(142), 71-81.*
New Directions in Higher Education*
New Directions in Institutional Research*
New Directions in Student Services*
Ro, H., Menard, T., Kniess, D., & Nickelsen, A. (2017). New(er) Methods and Tools in Student Affairs Assessment. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2017(175), 49-63.
Schuh, J. H., Biddix, J. P., Dean, L. A., & Kinzie, J. (2016). Assessment in student affairs. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.*
Schuh, J., et al. (2009). Assessment methods for student affairs. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Suskie, L. (2004). Assessing student learning: A common sense guide. Bolton, MA: Anker.
Other Publications
Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS). (2008). CAS general standards.
Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS). (2008). Learning and developmental outcomes: Domains, dimensions, and examples.