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Alcohol Harm Reduction
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High-risk drinking is a serious public health issue being addressed on just about every college campus across the country.
Over the past decade, there has been substantive evidence that students at the University of Iowa drink more heavily leading to more negative consequences than other college students nationally. In response to this evidence, leadership at The University of Iowa determined it was necessary to take a proactive and comprehensive approach to reducing high-risk drinking and related harms to our students.
You have the opportunity to reduce the likelihood that your student will experience the negative consequences associated with binge drinking.
Talking with college students about alcohol
Family conversations that take place prior to students arriving on campus are an important way to prevent and minimize issues related to alcohol use and abuse. As a parent, guardian, or family member, you are in a unique position to have this important conversation before your student leaves for campus. Alcohol misuse can cause negative health impacts on students as well as the community as a whole.
We encourage you to take a moment to look over the PDF handbook and have a conversation with your student.
Download the handbook (english) Download the handbook (Spanish)
The materials are being provided to U of I parents based on an agreement between U of I and the Parent-Teen Partnership. Any individuals or groups interested in using the materials outside of this agreement should contact Robert Turrisi directly at turrisirob@gmail.com
2022-2025 Alcohol Harm Reduction Plan
The UI Alcohol Harm Reduction Plan contains multiple, mutually reinforcing, and research-based strategies. The tactics in our plan are grounded in the best available research on student success and effective strategies to reduce high-risk drinking on college campuses. Recognizing that not all students drink and of those who do, not all do so in a high-risk way, the goals of our plan address the needs of all students including those who don’t drink, those who have experienced a problem as a result of their drinking, and everyone in between.
High-risk undergraduate drinking has decreased significantly at the University of Iowa due to its 10-year commitment to alcohol harm reduction.
Alcohol Harm Reduction Plans:
Alcohol Harm Reduction Executive Summary 2017-2018
Alcohol sales evaluation reports
Beginning fall 2021, beer and wine was available for purchase throughout Kinnick Stadium, except for areas immediately adjacent to the student section. Athletic events at Carver-Hawkeye Arena, Duane Banks Field, and Bob Pearl Field were also included in the pilot program during the 2021-22 school year. The pilot included decreased tailgating duration in parking lots controlled by UI event management, as well as allocating 30% of the alcohol sales proceeds to UI Alcohol Harm Reduction efforts. The evaluation and reporting of impact is ongoing and will be reported annually.
- Year one report (2021-22)
- Year two report (2022-23)
- Harm reduction funding report (2022-23)
- Harm reduction funding report (2023-24)
Alcohol Harm Reduction Advisory Committee
In 2009, the Alcohol Harm Reduction Advisory Committee (AHRAC) was created by the UI Vice President for Student Life. The AHRAC is a multidisciplinary group of faculty, staff, and students, that advises the Vice President for Student Life on a comprehensive and research-based plan to create conditions on our campus which decrease high-risk drinking and the related harmful consequences. A campus-community partnership was also created between the University of Iowa campus and the City of Iowa City, called the Partnership for Alcohol Safety.
National College Health Assessment reports
Each year Student Wellness uses the American College Health Association - National College Health Assessment tool to collect data on our U of I students' health behaviors and practices. The metrics for the Alcohol Harm Reduction plans are taken from this report and tracked each year. Click here to view the current and past data reports.