The Division of Student Life fosters student success by creating and promoting inclusive educationally purposeful services and activities within and beyond the classroom.

Our vision

  • Establish Iowa as a national leader in student engagement and holistic well-being
    practices that promote student success
  • Lead boldly in diversity, equity, and inclusion by developing and engaging in programs
    and initiatives that educate and hold staff and students accountable to grow, learn, and
    enact change
  • Create a cohesive student experience to support individual and community success
  • Expand our effectiveness through staff support, resource growth, productive relationships and
    proactive communication

Our values

  • Collaboration: We invest time and energy into partnering for the greater good of student success. You are our partner.
  • Equity: We provide communities where individuals of all identities are believed, cared for and empowered. You are welcome here.
  • Integrity: We are honest, reliable and extend goodwill to others. You can count on us.
  • Leadership: We are a catalyst for forward action, even when it is unpopular. You inspire us.
  • Learning: We use assessment, critique, reflection, and research as tools for improvement. You make us better.
  • Respect: We recognize and value the views and dignity of each person, even when we disagree. You are valuable.

2021-2026 Division of Student Life Strategic Plan

The University of Iowa is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment for all of our students and to foster a place where students can succeed. To that end, the Division of Student Life has outlined a strategic plan for 2021-2026 to lead the Division into the future in more innovative ways.

Photo of Sarah Hansen

Sarah Hansen

I’m proud to be a part of the Division of Student life and a lifelong member of the Hawkeye family. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have ideas for how we can improve the student experience, or better support our Hawkeye families. We are always striving to do better, and my door is always open!