Assessment Development Series

To ensure staff members in the Division have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to conduct assessment in their areas, building and developing talent is a priority. The Assessment Development Series will be offered on a yearly basis to support capacity building in the Division of Student Life.

Learn more about the Assessment Development Series.

Division of Student Life Assessment Handbook

The Assessment Handbook is a condensed practical guide to support student affairs practitioners in thinking about and using assessment in their daily work.

Information sheets

These information sheets provide practical information on specific assessment topics.


View past AIR presentations, worksheets, and handouts on various assessment topics. All materials are free to use.


A list of books, journals, articles, and other publications on various assessment topics.

University of Iowa websites

The links below highlight assessment efforts that are occurring across the University of Iowa.

Presentations from other resources

The following presentations on specific assessment topics are for your reference.

Assessment in Student Affairs at other institutions

The links featured below highlight assessment in Student Affairs at institutions across the country.

Professional associations

The links below highlight various professional associations that promote and support assessment efforts in higher education.