Action plan submissions

The department director will submit an action plan responding to reviewer recommendations to the AIR staff member within a month of receipt of the final report. The plan should include:

  • Proposed goals/review recommendations
  • Timeline for completion
  • Responsible parties
  • Implementation strategy
  • Metrics to measure progress and an evaluation process
  • Any needs or costs associated with implementation

A template for the action plan can be found here.

Follow up on the action plan will include:

  • A summary of the program review and the department’s planned next steps should be shared with stakeholders who participated in the review process.
  • Program review documents (including report and work plans) will be posted on the Office of the Vice President for Student Life website.
  • Directors will report updates on the plan at the end of the academic year.
  • Changes made based on recommendations should be highlighted in the Division of Student Life Quarterly Reports.

Current action plans:

Office of the Dean of Students

The Office of the Dean of Students engaged in a Council for the Advancement of Students in Higher Education (CAS) Standards program review in February 2018. The process included a self-assessment review by staff members in the Office of the Dean of Students, selection of two external reviewers, Dr. Soncia Reagins-Lilly and Dr. Carolyn Livingston, and an internal reviewer, Dr. Jamie Jorgensen, and meetings with staff members, stakeholders, and campus partners. The Office of the Dean of Students created the following action plan in response to the program review team's recommendations.

Leadership and Engagement

Leadership & Engagement (formerly the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership) engaged in a Council for the Advancement of Students in Higher Education (CAS) Standards program review in December 2018. The process included a self-assessment review by staff members in Leadership & Engagement, selection of two external reviewers, Dr. Angela Batista and Dr. Don Stansberry, and an internal reviewer, Dr. Mike Schluckebier, and meetings with staff members, stakeholders, and campus partners. Leadership & Engagement created the following action plan in response to the program review team's recommendations.

University Housing and Dining

University Housing and Dining engaged in a program review in April 2019. The process included a self-assessment review by staff members in University Housing & Dining, selection of three external reviewers, Dr. Paul K. Jahr, Mari Strombom, and Shaun N. Crisler, and meetings with staff members, stakeholders, and campus partners. University Housing & Dining created the following action plan in response to the program review team's recommendations.

University Dining

University Dining engaged in a program review in February 2019. The process included a self-assessment by staff members in University Dining and a review by a set of external reviewers using the National Association of College and University Food Services (NACUFS) standards. University Housing Dining created the following action plan in response to the review team's findings.

Student Disability Services

As a unit of the Division of Student Life, Student Disability Services (SDS) engaged in a program review process in 2019. SDS completed a comprehensive self-study and hosted three external reviewers for a multi-day campus visit. The review suggested improvements in the following six areas.

Student Wellness

Student Wellness engaged in an American College Health Association (ACHA) Standards program review in February 2021. The process included a self-assessment review by staff members in Student Wellness. Reviewers included Tom Szigethy (from Duke University), Linda LaSalle (from Penn State University), and Mara Cheney (internal reviewer). They hosted meetings with staff members, stakeholders, and campus partners. Student Wellness created the following action plan in response to the program review team's recommendations.

Student Legal Services

Student Legal Services engaged in a National Student Legal Services (NSLS) and Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) Standards program review in March 2021. The process included a self-assessment review by staff members in Student Legal Services, selection of two external reviewers, Mark J. Karon, Esq of University of Minnesota Student Legal Service Molly R. Hegerty, Esq. of Student Legal Services at The Ohio State University, and an internal reviewer, Constance A. Shriver Cervantes, J.D. of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, and meetings with staff members, stakeholders, and campus partners. Student Legal Services created the following action plan in response to the program review team's recommendations.

Recreational Services

As a unit of the Division of Student Life, Recreational Services engaged in a program review process in 2021. Recreational Services completed a comprehensive self-study and hosted two external reviewers for a multi-day virtual visit. The review suggested improvements to overall department operations as well as for specific programs.

Women's Resource and Action Center

As a department within the Division of Student Life, the Women’s Resource and Action Center (WRAC) engaged in a program review process in 2021. WRAC completed a comprehensive self-study and hosted two external reviewers and one internal reviewer for a multi-day virtual campus visit.

Multicultural and International Student Support and Engagement

As a unit of the Division of Student Life, Multicultural and International Student Support and Engagement (MISSE) engaged in a program review process in spring 2023. MISSE completed a comprehensive self-study and hosted two external reviewers and one internal reviewer for a multi-day virtual visit.

Iowa Memorial Union

The Division of Student Life fosters student success by creating and promoting inclusive educationally purposeful services and activities within and beyond the classroom. The departmental program review process empowers departments within the Division of Student Life to critically evaluate their work and their impact on the UI student experience through a lens of continuous improvement. 

University Counseling Center

The departmental program review process empowers departments within the Division of Student Life to critically evaluate their work and their effect on the UI student experience through a lens of continuous improvement. As a unit of the Division of Student Life, University Counseling Service (UCS) engaged in a program review process in spring 2024.

Business and Finance

The Departmental Program Review process empowers departments within the Division of Student Life to critically evaluate their work and its effect on the UI student experience through a lens of continuous improvement. The review process is an opportunity for departments to take a comprehensive and critical look at the unit, clearly evaluate strengths and weaknesses, and outline a plan for future action. 

Information Technology

The Departmental Program Review process empowers departments within the Division of Student Life to critically evaluate their work and its effect on the UI student experience through a lens of continuous improvement. The review process is an opportunity for departments to take a comprehensive and critical look at the unit, clearly evaluate strengths and weaknesses, and outline a plan for future action. 

Student Care and Assistance

As a unit of the Division of Student Life, Student Care and Assistance (SCA) engaged in a program review process in fall 2023. SCA completed a comprehensive self-study and hosted three external reviewers for a multi-day campus visit. The action plan is intended to be a living document based on the current campus environment. 

Office of Student Accountability

As a unit of the Division of Student Life, the Office of Student Accountability (OSA) engaged in a program review process in fall 2023. OSA completed a comprehensive self-study and hosted three external reviewers for a multi-day campus visit. The action plan is intended to be a living document based on the current campus environment.

Human Resources

The Departmental Program Review process empowers departments within the Division of Student Life to critically evaluate their work and its effect on the UI student experience through a lens of continuous improvement. The review process is an opportunity for departments to take a comprehensive and critical look at the unit, clearly evaluate strengths and weaknesses, and outline a plan for future action.

Student Life Communications

The Departmental Program Review process empowers departments within the Division of Student Life to critically evaluate their work and its effect on the UI student experience through a lens of continuous improvement. The review process is an opportunity for departments to take a comprehensive and critical look at the unit, clearly evaluate strengths and weaknesses, and outline a plan for future action.