The Division of Student Life fosters student success by creating and promoting inclusive educationally purposeful services and activities within and beyond the classroom. The departmental program review process empowers departments within the Division of Student Life to critically evaluate their work and their effect on the UI student experience through a lens of continuous improvement. Student Legal Services engaged in a National Student Legal Services (NSLS) and Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) Standards program review in March 2021.

The process included a self-assessment review by staff members in Student Legal Services, selection of two external reviewers, Mark J. Karon, Esq of University of Minnesota Student Legal Service Molly R. Hegerty, Esq. of Student Legal Services at The Ohio State University, and an internal reviewer, Constance A. Shriver Cervantes, J.D. of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, and meetings with staff members, stakeholders, and campus partners. Student Legal Services created the following action plan in response to the program review team's recommendations.

Table of contents

Recommendation: unit sustainability

SLS’s current resources do not meet the demands and needs of students and provide no room for growth. The office has been consistently understaffed and therefore unable to properly market the program or grow offerings to meet student needs.


  • Ensure that SLS has an adequate file management system (Explore Clio/Improve FileMaker).
  • Explore grant opportunities including IOLTA (Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts and ISBA (Iowa State Bar Association) and continue to build relationships with the University of Iowa Center for Advancement.
  • Explore needs for an additional attorney and non-attorney staff. Present request for additional staff through appropriate channels, as needed including Student Government.

Success measures and updates

  • The office has a sufficient budget to maintain and grow SLS operations per best practices and needs of students.
    • Received a Heider Grant for $5000 to translate SLS materials into various languages. (spring 2022)
  • Continue to review staffing levels and advocate for changes as needed.
    • Outlined optimal attorney caseload ratio based on peer groups and national data. (completed spring 2022)
    • SLS continues to have the highest attorney-student ratio in the Big 10 for offices offering full representation (spring 2024)
  • Office has a functional file system that increases staff efficiency.
    • Determined the free version of Clio is not viable. Exploring the paid version of Clio and other potential systems. (spring 2022)
    • SLS will go live with Practice Panther on 7/1/23. (spring 2023)
  • Received $3,000 in Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship Grants to offset conference expenses. (spring 2023)
  • SLS now has two administratve support coordinators. One works .8 time year-round, the other works .5 during the academic year. (spring 2023)
  • Met with and provided materials to UICA in July/August (summer 2024)

Recommendation: office space

The SLS office space is difficult to find, unwelcoming, cramped, and requires time and resources to ensure confidentiality. There are security and safety issues for staff and students as well.


  • Develop business case for including SLS at Student Well-Being Building and submit through proper channels.
  • Explore possibility of renovating office in line with FEMA requirements.

Success measures and updates

  • SLS has a space that is more easily recognized and accessed by students.
    • Gathered student input regarding SLS location.  (completed spring 2022)
    • Received an estimate for renovating the office in line with FEMA requirements. The estimate is $25K not including demo, wall repair, paint, and lighting. (spring 2022)
    • Worked with Student Life Communications to add additional temporary signage on IMU 1st floor. (completed spring 2022)
    • Reorganized office and conference room and made cosmetic changes to space at low-cost. (spring 2023)
    • SLS office is a part of the planned IMU renovation. (in process spring 2024)
  • The SLS space will have an arrangement that is conducive to privacy concerns with safety being a paramount consideration.
    • Consulted with DPS in August 2021 and received recommendations.  (completed fall 2021)

Recommendation: scope of services

Charging for representation is a barrier to student access and to the SLS mission. Due to staffing constraints and resource limitations, SLS is unable to provide the holistic, robust, and proactive legal services and guidance provided by other student legal services programs.


  • Explore securing research assistant to analyze legal needs of students.
  • Establish expungement clinic.
  • Explore the possibility of becoming court-appointed counsel for students in criminal cases.
  • Establish Power of Attorney (POA) clinic.
  • Review and revise scope of services.

Success measures and updates

  • A plan to continuously review cost of legal representation in order to limit costs to students.
    • Reviewed scope of services to align with student needs and SLS priorities.  (completed spring 2022)
    • Worked with an undergraduate research assistant to analyze legal needs of students.  (completed spring 2022)
    • Presented plan for the elimination of fees. (completed spring 2022)
    • Becoming court-appointed counsel for students in criminal cases will no longer benefit students because students would have to pay court-appointed counsel but would not need to pay SLS. (spring 2023)
  • Provide multiple clinics and referral programs to better serve students.
    • Provided an expungement clinic in spring 2022 and plan to hold the clinic yearly. (completed spring 2022)
    • Re-established Immigration Referral Program. (completed spring 2022)
    • The first Power of Attorney (POA) clinic is scheduled for August 17th at the IMU. (spring 2023)
    • Hosted expungement clinic March 28, 2024. (completed spring 2024)
    • Renewed contract with immigration attorney through June 2025. (completed spring 2024)
    • Planning POA Clinic for On Iowa! In August. (in process spring 2024)

Recommendation: partnerships

SLS, with the support of the Division Student Life administration, should improve collaborative efforts with campus partners. SLS needs direct inclusion in Student Life and university committees so SLS’s services are better understood within Student Life and within the university community.


  • Build a relationship with parent services.
  • Build relationships with University Housing & Dining.
  • Partner with Orientation to identify ways to engage with new students.
  • Establish a plan for more frequent check-ins with Student Government
  • Explore SLS representation on DOS Advisory Board.
  • Collaborate with organizations that support underrepresented students.
  • Strengthen relationships with law enforcement (UIPD/ICPD) and other agencies (TAT, RVAP, CommUnity, DVIP, Monsoon, Nisaa, Guidelink) to facilitate referrals to SLS.

Success measures and updates

  • SLS will have a greater presence in residence halls.
  • Partner with Orientation to identify ways to engage with new students.
    • Presenting with SCA on Off-Campus Living during first-year orientation, and hosting a POA clinic during On Iowa!. (spring 2023)
    • Presented to Orientation Leaders in June about the office and will continue with programs from last summer. (spring 2024)
  • Collaborate with organizations that support underrepresented students.
    • Gave a presentation to First Gen Hawks. Continued partnership
      with TRIO. (spring 2023)
    • Continuing to collaborate with First Gen Hawks and TRIO. (spring 2024)
  • Increased collaboration with campus partners.
    • Established a plan for more frequent check-ins with campus partners (completed spring 2022)
    • Completed eight presentations with campus partners. (spring 2023)
    • Encouraged SLS staff to apply for University committees and advisory groups (ongoing)
    • Provided 15 presentations to campus partners in 2023-2024. (completed spring 2024)
  • Build a relationship with parent services.
    • Planning a Renting 101 event during Family Weekend. (in process)
  • Strengthen relationships with law enforcement (UIPD/ICPD) and other agencies (TAT, RVAP, CommUnity, DVIP, Monsoon, Nisaa, Guidelink) to facilitate referrals to SLS.
    • Connected with and continue to build relationships with TAT. (spring 2024)

Recommendation: awareness

Many of the legal issues that students face greatly impact their well-being and their ability to succeed academically. The program has been consistently understaffed and therefore unable to properly market the program to students. There is a perception that SLS primarily assists students with “getting out of criminal charges” when in fact SLS offers legal advice and representation for a broad range of legal issues both civil and criminal, as well as providing preventative legal education.


  • Use Student Life Communications to more effectively tell the SLS story.
  • Develop a comprehensive communication plan regarding information provided to faculty and staff.
  • Partner with Admissions to share information about SLS on campus tours.

Success measures and updates

  • SLS will be recognized as a key resource on campus for students.
    • Worked with an undergraduate research assistant to analyze outreach efforts and make suggestions for future planning (completed spring 2022)
  • Be featured in division-wide publications including emails and websites.
    • Formalized and published a mission statement that aligns with the University and DSL’s mission and strategic plans (completed spring 2022) 
  • SLS will have an annual communication plan to increase awareness of services.
    • Working with new Student LIfe Communications communicator on communicating about services. 
  • Increase the number of intake appointments each year.
  • Explore the possibility of becoming a University- recognized confidential resource.
    • SLS will not recognized as a confidential resource under University policy. (spring 2024)
  • Partner with Admissions to share information about SLS on campus tours. (in process spring 2023)