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Review by Committee
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The reviewers will conduct a minimum two-day on-site (or online) review. A reviewer’s role is to provide expert, unbiased, professional opinion regarding the performance of a particular department. The department will be responsible for funding the costs associated with the program review committee’s travel (i.e., meals, flights, etc.) and the Office of the Vice President for Student Life will provide up to $1500 honorarium per reviewer.
Site visit
The site visit should provide opportunities for the program review committee to speak to key stakeholders including:
- Department staff members
- Campus partners
- Departmental and Division leadership
- Community partners
- Students, including affinity groups
- Customers
- Alumni
The site visit should also include time for the committee to: meet individually with the director, appropriate associate or assistant vice president, and Vice President for Student Life, begin summary conversations to support report writing, and participate in wrap up meeting with the director, the AIR staff member, appropriate associate or assistant vice president, and the Vice President for Student Life.
A staff host will provide support to the review committee during the site visit. The staff host provides meeting transition/transportation assistance, introductions, and addresses any needs of the groups and/or review team. This individual does not attend the site visit sessions/meetings unless stated in the schedule. The program review coordinator and the director of the department will select the staff host.
Program review committee report
Within 30 days of the program review team’s campus visit, the reviewers will provide a written assessment of the department including areas of excellence and improvement, recommendations for future practice, and any other relevant observations. Issues related to personnel are not within the purview of the program review process. If there are personnel related concerns, individuals should be encouraged to utilize the services of their direct supervisor, Human Resources, or the Office of the Ombudsperson. A report outline is included in the appendix.
The report will be submitted to the department director, the AIR staff member, the appropriate associate or assistant vice president, and the Vice President for Student Life. This group will meet to discuss the report within two weeks of receipt. The program review committee should be available for up to three weeks after the submission of the report to answer any questions. The director will determine the best process and format (full report, summary, recommendations, etc.) to share the final report with the departmental leadership and/or department.