I. Development of the Self-Study

Each program review should begin with a self-study. Data and artifacts help tell the story of the department’s work. Data may include learning outcomes data, satisfaction data, usage numbers, fiscal data, historical trends, or other sources. Artifacts may include relevant printed publications, reports, departmental strategic or annual plans, awards, etc. Any particular professional standards associated with the department in review should be incorporated. These should be integrated into the self-study, to be shared with the program review committee prior to the site visit.

The self-study will contain the following:

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Executive Summary
  3. An introduction to the department, including recent history, organizational framework, departmental strategic plan
  4. An overview of how the work of the department aligns with the Division of Student Life Strategic Plan and the Division of Access, Opportunity Action Plan.
  5. Summary of relevant data (to the extent possible, disaggregate student data across identity categories (race/ethnicity, gender, first-generation, etc.)
  6. Summary of departmental processes to help ensure the use of assessment and evaluation results. 
  7. Overview of the following standards (replace the CAS standards with professional/national standards selected by the department if necessary):
    • Departmental Mission
    • Departmental Programs
    • Organization and Leadership
    • Human Resources
    • Ethics
    • Law, Policy, and Governance
    • Institutional and External Relations
    • Financial Resources
    • Technology
    • Facilities and Equipment
    • Assessment and Evaluation
  8. An overview of any programmatic or service efficiencies found during the process of the self-study
  9. Key issues to be addressed by the review team (challenges, concerns, etc.). This information may also be addressed in the department program review charge.

A more detailed description of the components of the self-study can be found here.

II. Self-Study Submission

The departmental director will submit the self-study to the AIR staff member no later than one month prior to the site visit. The program review coordinator will share the self-study with members of the program review committee prior to the site visit.