Swipe is utilized by departments and groups across campus to collect information from students (e.g. at events, advising appointments, etc.). Use of Swipe across the Division of Student Life is intended to:


Swipe, created and supported through ITS, allows students to scan in to programs and services with their Iowa One Card (or HawkID if they do not have their card). Swipe interfaces with MAUI, enabling departments to connect attendance data with demographic information.


Swipe is a browser based application that is free to use. Departments are required to purchase hardware (tablets, laptops, etc.) that will be used to run Swipe, and prox card readers that allow participants to scan in to events using an Iowa One Card.


Swipe can provide some basic dashboard information (number of events; number of attendees; duration of visit; time of departure; etc.). More robust reporting can be found in the Swipe Explore Utilization Dashboard on Campus Data. This dashboard was created to help departments answer the following questions:

  • Who is utilizing the Division of Student Life programs and services?
  • What student populations could DSL expand programs and services to?
  • How can DSL target outreach and communication methods to reach specific student populations?


All Swipe user types, except the Site Host user type, are required to be FERPA trained before accessing a Swipe site. Contact Teri Schnelle (teri-schnelle@uiowa.edu) if you have any questions. 


FERPA training is required to access Swipe data.


If you have any questions or need any assistance, contact Teri Schnelle (teri-schnelle@uiowa.edu) or Brandon Mills (brandon-mills@uiowa.edu).

Groups outside the Division of Student Life who have questions about Swipe should contact swipe2-support@uiowa.edu.