Annel Lueth is a junior studying Enterprise Leadership on the Pre-Dental track. During her time at Iowa she has been involved with Dance Marathon, Hawkeye Service Teams, and Pre-Dental club. She also works at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in the Oral Surgery unit.
Outside of her organizations, she finds herself at the Campus Wellness and Recreation Center (CRWC) quite a bit. Her usual routine consists of five or six visits to the Rec a week, though this hasn't always been the case. When Annel first stepped foot into the CRWC freshman year, she recalls being very intimidated by all of the machines and people. However, after a few visits, the layout of the space became easier to navigate and the thought of others coming to one place for a common purpose of improving themselves warmed her up to her now routine. The CRWC to Lueth has, "not only helped with physical progression, but also for my mental health. Especially with overwhelming class schedules, working out at the CWRC can be a time solely to do something for yourself".
Due to COVID-19, her workouts look much different than when on campus at the CRWC. The first week of transition from on-campus to online, Annel felt extremely unmotivated. So, she figured that creating a schedule and dedicating a specific corner in her home to her workouts would bring some sense of normality to her schedule. She says that, knowing that the virus is only temporary keeps her going because she knows she can look forward to her next workout at the CRWC.
Her advice to others during these odd times is to start your fitness journey now. "It is a great time to do your research and perfect your form. Being in the comfort of your home makes it easy to try something new without feeling nervous", she says.