Monday, November 1, 2021


Student Disabilities Staff posing on some stairs with the text: "Student Disability Services Open House" overlayed

Previously housed in the basement of Burge Residence Hall, the office of Student Disability Services has moved to a new location as of fall 2021: 141 University Capitol Centre. This move, initiated by the advocacy of the UI Students for Disability Advocacy and Awareness (UISDAA) organization, was made possible following the efforts of a committee consisting of UI administrators, staff, UISDAA members, and students in 2018-19. 

To welcome the UI community to their new space, the Student Disability Services team will be hosting an open house:

Student Disability Services Open House

Friday, November 12 | 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

141 University Capitol Centre

Same great services...

Student Disability Services (SDS) has long been serving the UI student body, helping to bridge the accessibility gap in the classroom and on campus. SDS collaborates with faculty and staff to create an accessible educational environment for all by providing the following accommodations to students:

  • Academic accommodations, such as audio recordings of class or alternatives to in-class presentations,
  • Exam services, including the coordination of extended times for testing or scribes for essays and scantrons,
  • Media services, including e-texts and large print formats,
  • Deaf/hard of hearing services, including sign language interpreters, captioned media, and assistive listening devices.

...with a few new features!

In addition to transitioning to their new space, the SDS team has also implemented several new programs and services, including:

  • Academic Life Navigator: piloted in spring 2020 in collaboration with the Department of Rehabilitation and Counselor Education in the College of Education, this program provides skills to students with disabilities to help empower them to succeed in their academic careers.
  • Academic Coaching: piloted in spring 2021, coaches work with students with disabilities to help them develop strategies and skills for academic success.
  • SDS Student Advisory Board: first convened in October 2020, the SAB consults and collaborates with the SDS team to better the experience for students at the University of Iowa through advocacy, education, and awareness.

To learn more about everything Student Disability Services has to offer, be sure to visit their website!