University of Iowa Student Government, or UISG, is made up of undergraduate students on campus who work with the administration to provide official student feedback, allocate funding, and work with students on what they would like to see at the University of Iowa. Members of UISG are voted into office by the student body.\President Elect for 2020/2021, Connor Wooff, talked to us about his involvement with UISG.
How did you get involved in UISG?
After applying for senate several times during my first year on campus, I was asked by Hira Mustafa and Heath Schintler to run with Surge UI. Once the election was over, I was selected to serve as Deputy Director of Governmental Relations in the 2018-2019 Executive Cabinet.
What are your past experiences with UISG?
In my two years in UISG, I have served as Deputy Director and Director of Governmental Relations. In this position I acted as a liaison to the Board of Regents and state and federal government. I also helped coordinate our campus civic engagement efforts like Hawk the Vote!
Why did you choose to run for president this year?
I ran for president because I have spent the past three years learning from students about the challenges they face and the futures they hope for, and I want to use my experience to be a champion for those voices. I asked Mara because of her immense involvement on campus and deep passion for improving student life!
What are you hoping to change in the next year?
There are so many initiatives laid out in our platform that Mara and I can't wait to get started on. We are ready to address issues that are affecting every corner of campus, from mental health to affordability. Although right now, we are looking to continue supporting students in anyway possible as they navigate the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19. That is at top of mind.
What is your favorite part of UISG?
My favorite part about UISG is that we are not just a checkbox for administration -- we are truly an entity on this campus. Unlike many other universities, our shared governance model allows us to make our voices heard and create real change at the University of Iowa.
What else do you do on campus that isn't UISG?
Outside of UISG I’m a resident assistant and participant in Dance Marathon. My previous campus involvement includes Hawk The Vote, Hawkeye Caucus, volunteering for Homecoming and the Food Pantry at Iowa, as well as working as an Orientation Leader.
What is your favorite restaurant in Iowa City?
The hardest question of them all. I'd have to say Mickey's with Pullman coming in second!