Image caption: Working for University Housing and Dining allows students the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally.
For many students a job during college, is just that. A job. For those working for University Housing and Dining, the job is something more. It is the opportunity to learn, develop leadership skills, and meet new people on campus. When students choose to work for University Housing and Dining, they are joining a team that aims to help them grow both personally and professionally.
Lola Knight, a junior at Iowa, chose to work for University Dining because of the flexibility. Knight, who is in her third year working for University Dining, wanted an on-campus job that was understanding of the fact that she was a student first. "I have chosen to stay here because they offer such understanding and flexible schedules for students. This allows me to keep my academic success high while also gaining valuable transferable skills that I will need in any future career path.”
"I have chosen to stay here because they offer such understanding and flexible schedules for students. It is great that they understand I am a student first." - Lola Knight
Like Knight, Richard Nyunt, has also seen the benefits for working on campus. Nyunt is a second-year lead at Catlett Market Place. Being a student lead allows students the opportunity to gain valuable leaderships skills early in their college career. Another benefit of working for University Dining? Growing your campus connections and making instant friends. "I love working here because I get to work with a lot of fun people. When I started, I didn't know many people on campus, but through working here I have been able to meet new people across campus and some of my closest friends," said Nyunt.
Working for University Dining, students can expect to learn other valuable skills, such as: time management, conflict resolution, balancing priorities, attention to detail, interpersonal communication, and how to work as part of a team. University Dining also offers competitive pay, allowing students to have consistent pay week-to-week and never needing to rely on tips, like other off-campus positions.
Choosing to work for University Housing and Dining is more than just a job. It is position that allows students the opportunity to develop skills, make connections, and be successful post-graduation. Learn more about working for University Dining at