What is an LLC?
At the University of Iowa, all students belong to a community. By choosing to live on campus as a part of one of our Living Learning Communities (LLC) students can make the most of their college years. We know that transitioning to living independently can be challenging, so living on campus offers the freedom of independent living while providing students with resources and support structures. The Living Learning Communities we have make it possible for all students to make friends and connect with campus while broadening horizons.
Choosing to belong to an LLC helps students by creating initiatives unique to each LLC and grouping students into common courses. For the 2019-2020 school year, the LLC options available were All In, Arts, Be-WISE, BizHawks, First Generation, Honors, Iowa Writers, People In Engineering, Political Matters, Public Health, Sports and Recreation Management, and Young, Gifted, and Black.
Some of the LLCs are based on interest, community, or culture; others are based on academic focus, while some are open to all students. LLCs help to create smaller, residence hall communities within this large university, which have support from on-campus departments, may take common courses, and participate in unique events and initiatives.
To ensure that all students in an LLC are able to access the resources they want, some LLCs are placed close to their respective facilities. For example, the Young, Gifted, and Black community is in Slater Hall, just steps from the Afro House, and the Sports and Recreation Management LLC is housed in Peterson Hall, near the UI Field House.
What makes living in an LLC special?
As a part of an LLC, each student’s on-campus experience is shaped by the community of their choice, helping to make a memorable experience. Shared interests and similar passions help to ensure fast friendships, while shared courses and resources help to establish a smooth transition to university life.
According to Nick, a former resident of the Arts LLC, “Joining an LLC was really what made my college experience, especially my freshman year. Starting off in the Arts LLC gave me a group of friends that I know I’ll stay with forever.”
Recent research data gathered by University Housing and Dining shows that students who choose to live in an LLC at Iowa are more likely to stay in college, earn a higher GPA, and experience a greater degree of satisfaction with their overall college experience. For Robbi, a Young, Gifted, and Black resident, the LLC offered a way to find a sense of community and belonging at the University of Iowa. So much so that she was compelled to return to the LLC for a second year.
Joining an LLC was really what made my college experience...starting off in an LLC gave me a group of friends that I know I’ll stay with forever.
For anyone planning to live in the residence halls at the University of Iowa, Robbi doesn’t think choosing an LLC shouldn’t be a stressful experience. “I think the people who would most benefit most from joining an LLC are the people who are coming to college for a fresh start to figure out who they are.”
For more information on all LLCs head to https://housing.uiowa.edu/communities.