Jordan Geriane is a fourth year from North Aurora, Illinois double majoring in English & creative writing and gender, women, & sexuality studies.
What is your favorite memory from the University of Iowa?
My favorite memory from the University of Iowa was storming the football field after we beat Penn State. As soon as that clock hit zero, the roar of celebration that came from the student section alone was electrifying. The whole stadium erupted and I will never forget the adrenaline surging in my chest. My friends and I ran hand-in-hand down that field with our arms spread wide, cheering along to the Hawkeye Victory Polka as we charged into a sea of black and gold.
What would like to see changed in the world during your lifetime?
We are living in such a divided time that conversations are often met with contempt and divisiveness, rather than open-mindedness or honesty. During my lifetime, I'd like to see a shift in the way we listen to and educate each other. Being a student at Iowa has given me the opportunity to interact with folks from all walks of life -- from peers with like and unlike interests, to professors, to coworkers, and to strangers in the coffee line -- which has encouraged me to learn and value a person's own agency and individuality. I hope that we can see positive change in the ways we empower and communicate with our communities.
If you could choose one superpower, what would it be?
If I could choose one superpower, I'd choose the power of flight. Being able to fly would allow me to effortlessly view the world from great heights and different perspectives, visit my family and friends, and feel the wind in my hair.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
From my time at the university, my love for creative writing has lead to an interest in listening to and reading diverse stories. In 10 years, I hope to not only have a novel on the brink of publication, but also cultivate a career in education and advocacy that works to uplift and empower unheard voices through the art of storytelling.
What is a fun fact that no one knows about you?
I am named after Michael Jordan but I am terrible at basketball.
Homecoming is a week where the community comes together to celebrate Hawkeye pride.
In 2022, as the Hawkeye community grows and evolves, our traditions continue to move forward. Join us once again as Iowa City turns black and gold and comes together to unite as Hawkeyes. On Iowa; Go Hawks! For more information on homecoming, visit the Homecoming website.